Tomorrow is Ann-marie's first wedding anniversary and I can't believe how quick it has gone. I met Ann-marie at my own wedding 14 years ago when she had just started going out with my cousin Rob. We've been friends ever since and there is no-one I would rather have as a best friend - she's my female soulmate and I'd be lost without her.
I love Rob like a brother and he gives me faith that there are decent men out there and if I could find a man half as decent as him then I'll know I'm on to a good thing...!!
Their relationship makes me laugh and I love how they are with each other. I know that they'll be married forever and this first anniversary is the first of so many.
On to their card. I knew immediately which image I wanted to use and that I wanted to try and go down the vintage route. I'm not that good in creating vintage cards but had a good go at this one. I wanted to try and create an old photo effect but I don't have distress inks so I had to make do with using Ink It Up inkpads. It's turned out okay and has a bit of an old look.

You'll have to excuse this last photo, I forgot to take a proper picture of it at the same time as I took the 2 above and Ann-marie has now taken the card home so I've had to upload a picture I took last night on my mobile..!

DP - Rasperry Road "Victorian Bliss"
Image - Jack & Ginger by Mo Manning
Ribbon & Embellishments - Stash
Sentiments - PC Generated
Coloured with Prismas & sansodor
Thats it from me for tonight, I'm going to try and get some cards made to start entering challenges properly, so might be back over the weekend with some new creations.
Tracy x